Friday, May 11, 2012

The 495ESM Experience...

This class, although at times confusing, was a great cheery on top for our English Subject Matter coursework. It was really great to be able to sit in a class with thirty something other students who have the same goal or interests as me. We began with this introduction of media in the classroom, and at first that seemed like a topic that would not last a whole semester. I never really gave it much thought as to how much technology has advanced in the classroom. Student's interaction with technology in the classroom is not only bringing advances to how a teacher can present material, but it also presents a new way for students who are any type of learners (and have multiple learning abilities) to better understand and access the material. From iPads to blogs, opening this new door for students has become a priority for me. This is an effective tool that can only help.
Following this we entered a section of myth and knowing. This was definitely one of my favorite parts of the semester. I got to interact with an amazing group that worked super well together. I feel like I can honestly say it has been the only group I've worked with in my six years of being in this school that has not only gotten along but shared similar ideas that helped us produce a great presentation. Examining the female divine was very interesting and fun being the man hater that I am. (That was a joke, but I very much enjoy being reassured that my sex is the dominate sex). The story for our presentation ties in with the film Slumdog Millionaire in the sense that they both involve India. If it weren't for this class I would have never discovered my love for Indian music. Karla Martinez and I have a class song that came from the film. Its a joy that has created a memory that will last forever.
Moving forward: Slumdog Millionaire and globalization made me realize how much I desire to be the president of the entire world. I work in a very widely hated banking institution. I hear about how they want to take over the world every shift I work. The way in which they do this is the horrible part. they have a strategy that requires blinding the general public from seeing the harm they are really doing and masking it with "providing a world class service". Its total crap. I'm going to get super fired when they Google me and come across this post. Thug life. Its just such a crime to be able to allow the world to work in such a corrupt way.

Wrapping it up, Professor Wexler's involuntary jokes didn't hurt the fun factor for this class. It might have not been jokes necessarily, but this distinct way of speaking he possesses. It was nice to have a professor in charge of this class that didn't dictate our every move, and who also knows the best song from A Chorus Line.

Overall, I'm grateful for what I learned, who I've met, and what I'm now more prepared for :)

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